What is TuPL

TuPL is the programming languages research group at Tufts University. Here, we do research that innovates the way to think about programming. More specifically, we do research in domain-specific programming languages (DSLs), program synthesis, language-based security, type systems, program verification, and more. We are also interested in programming languages education: check out Norman's foundational programming languages educational material, which will be in the press soon is out now!

If you are interested in doing research with us, please check out (and apply to) the PhD program in computer science at Tufts University.

Who is TuPL


Jeff Foster
Works on programming languages, software engineering, and security.
Guannan Wei
Incoming Assistant Professor
Works on programming languages, compilers, software engineering, and their applications.
Milod Kazerounian
Assistant Teaching Professor
Works on refinement types.

Current Graduate Students

Nate Bragg
Advisor: Jeff Foster
Works on resource analysis, and program synthesis.
Sasha Fedchin
Advisor: Jeff Foster
Works on program verification and program synthesis.
Mark Aldrich
Advisor: Jeff Foster
Works on program analysis and type systems.
Antero Mejr
Advisor: Jeff Foster
Works on programming languages.

Current Undergraduate Students

Alexander Bai
Advisor: Jeff Foster
Works on Dafny.

Alumni & Former Members

Jasper Geer
Kathleen Fisher
Prof, DARPA I20
Norman Ramsey
Assoc Prof Emeritus
Samuel Z. Guyer
Assoc Prof
Jared Chandler
Jeanne-Marie Musca
Samuel M. Lasser
PhD, Draper
Matthew P. Ahrens
Karl Cronburg
PhD, MathWorks
Brian LaChance
Lucia A. Nunez
PhD, Northeastern
Hu Huang
PhD, MathWorks
Raoul Veroy
Mike Shah
Edward Aftandilian
PhD, Google
Nathan P. Ricci
PhD, Microsoft
Remy Wang
Graham Baker
Brandon Lucia
Robert Dockins
MS, Galois
Adam Lewis
Connor Gramazio
Sean Kelley
UG, Palantir
Ben Schwalb
Sara L. Su
Asst Prof, Google
João Dias
Xuanrui (Ray) Qi
Marilyn Sun

TuPL Publications

BinaryInferno: A Semantic-Driven Approach to Field Inference for Binary Message Formats, Jared Chandler, Adam Wick, Kathleen Fisher, NDSS 2023, [NDSS]
Program Sketching by Automatically Generating Mocks from Tests, Nate Bragg, Jeff Foster, Cody Roux, Armando Solar-Lezama, CAV 2021, [Springer]
Floorplan: Spatial Layout in Memory Management Systems, Karl Cronburg, Samuel Z. Guyer, GPCE 2019, [ACM]
Synthesizing Symmetric Lenses, Anders Miltner, Solomon Maina, Kathleen Fisher, Benjamin C. Pierce, David Walker, Steve Zdancewic, ICFP 2019, [ACM]
Type-Level Computations for Ruby Libraries, Milod Kazerounian, Sankha Narayan Guria, Niki Vazou, Jeff Foster, David Van Horn, PLDI 2019, [ACM]
A Verified LL(1) Parser Generator, Sam Lasser, Chris Casinghino, Kathleen Fisher, Cody Roux, ITP 2019.
Proving Tree Algorithms for Succinct Data Structures, Reynald Affeldt, Jacques Garrigue, Xuanrui Qi, Kazunari Tanaka, ITP 2019.
Synthesizing Quotient Lenses, Solomon Maina, Anders Miltner, Kathleen Fisher, Benjamin C. Pierce, David Walker, Steve Zdancewic, ICFP 2018, [ACM]
Synthesizing Bijective Lenses, Anders Miltner, Kathleen Fisher, Benjamin C. Pierce, David Walker, Steve Zdancewic, POPL 2018, [ACM]

WIP: Markedly: a cartographic approach for mapping eDSL implementation costs . Matthew Ahrens, Karl Cronburg, Jeanne-Marie Musca, META 2017, [SPLASH]

Incremental Forest: A DSL for Efficiently Managing Filestores, Jonathan DiLorenzo, Richard Zhang, Erin Menzies, Kathleen Fisher, Nate Foster, OOPSLA 2016, [ACM]
Prioritized Garbage Collection: Explicit GC Support for Software Caches . Lucia Nunez, Samuel Z. Guyer, Emery D. Berger, OOPSLA 2016, [ACM]
Autobahn: using genetic algorithms to infer strictness annotations . Yisu Remy Wang, Lucia Nunez, Kathleen Fisher, Haskell 2016, [ACM]
Symbolic Bayesian Inference by Lazy Partial Evaluation Chung-Chieh Shan, Norman Ramsey POPL 2016 [Semantic Scholar]

MRFy: Remote Homology Detection for Beta-Structural Proteins Using Markov Random Fields and Stochastic Search . Noah M. Daniels, Andrew Gallant, Norman Ramsey, Lenore J. Cowen, TCBB 2015 [ACM]

Adaptive LL(*) Parsing: The Power of Dynamic Analysis, Terence Parr, Sam Harwell, Kathleen Fisher, OOPSLA 2014, [ACM]
Using Formal Methods to Enable More Secure Vehicles: DARPA's HACMS Program, Kathleen Fisher, ICFP 2014, [ACM]
Practices of PLDI, Hans Boehm, Jack Davidson, Kathleen Fisher, Cormac Flanagan, Jeremy Gibbons, Mary Hall, Graham Hutton, David Padua, Frank Tip, Jan Vitek, Philip Wadler, ACM SIGPLAN Notices 2014, [ACM]
On Teaching How to Design Programs: Observations from a Newcomer . Norman Ramsey, ICFP 2014 [ACM]

Elephant Tracks: Portable Production of Complete And Precise GC Traces . Nathan P. Ricci, Samuel Z. Guyer, J. Eliot B. Moss ISMM 2013, [ACM]
Engineering Definitional Interpreters. Jan Midtgaard, Norman Ramsey, Bradford Larsen, PPDF 2013, [ACM]

HACMS: High Assurance Cyber Military Systems, Kathleen Fisher, HILT 2012 [ACM]
An Introduction to Data Representation Synthesis, Peter Hawkins, Martin Rinard, Alex Aiken, Mooly Sagiv, Kathleen Fisher, Communications of the ACM 2012, [ACM]
Concurrent Data Representation Synthesis, Peter Hawkins, Alex Aiken, Kathleen Fisher, Martin Rinard, Mooly Sagiv, PLDI 2012 [ACM]
Reasoning About Lock Placements, Peter Hawkins, Alex Aiken, Kathleen Fisher, Martin Rinard, Mooly Sagiv, ESOP 2012, [ACM]
Nourishing the Future of the Field: The Programming Language Mentoring Workshop 2012, Kathleen Fisher, Ronald Garcia, Stephanie Weirich, PLMW 2012, [ACM]
LearnPADS++: Incremental Inference of Ad Hoc Data Formats, Kenny Q. Zhu, Kathleen Fisher, David Walker, PADL 2012, [ACM]
Experience Report: Haskell in Computational Biology. Noah M. Daniels, Andrew Gallant, Norman Ramsey, ICFP 2012, [ACM]

Forest: A Language and Toolkit for Programming with Filestores, Kathleen Fisher, Nate Foster, David Walker, Kenny Q. Zhu, ICFP 2011, [ACM]
Data Representation Synthesis, Peter Hawkins, Alex Aiken, Kathleen Fisher, Martin Rinard, Mooly Sagiv, PLDI 2011, [ACM]
LL(*): The Foundation of the ANTLR Parser Generator, Terence Parr, Kathleen Fisher, PLDI 2011, [ACM]
Resourceable, Retargetable, Modular Instruction Selection Using a Machine-Independent, Type-Based Tiling of Low-Level Intermediate Code Norman Ramsey, João Dias, POPL 2011, [ACM]
Embedding an Interpreted Language Using Higher-Order Functions and Types, Norman Ramsey, Journal of Functional Programming, 2011, [ACM]

What Can the GC Compute Efficiently? A Language for Heap Assertions at GC Time . Christoph Reichenbach, Neil Immerman, Yannis Smaragdakis, Edward E. Aftandilian, Samuel Z. Guyer, OOPSLA 2010, [ACM]
Breadcrumbs: Efficient Context Sensitivity for Dynamic Bug Detection Analyses . Michael D. Bond, Graham Z. Baker, Samuel Z. Guyer, PLDI 2010, [ACM]
Heapviz: Interactive Heap Visualization for Program Understanding and Debugging . Edward E. Aftandilian, Sean Kelley, Connor Gramazio, Nathan Ricci, Sara L. Su, Samuel Z. Guyer, SOFTVIS 2010, [ACM]
Hoopl: a modular, reusable library for dataflow analysis and transformation. Norman Ramsey, João Dias, Simon Peyton Jones, Haskell Symposium 2010, [ACM]

GC Assertions: Using the Garbage Collector to Check Heap Properties . Edward E. Aftandilian, Samuel Z. Guyer, PLDI 2009, [ACM]

ACM Disclaimer: The documents contained in these pages are included to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

TuPL Projects

Inferring strictness annotations in Haskell programs using a genetic algorithm.
Domain specific language for processing ad-hoc data implemented in C and Haskell.
Port of ANTLR to Haskell as a quasiquoted embedded domain specific language.
Work on a provably correct implementation of the ALL(*) parsing algorithm.
A distributed computation DSL for easily spreading around monadic computation in Haskell.
A garbage collection tracing tool for Java programs.
Tool for visualizing and exploring snapshots of the heap obtained from running Java programs.
Significant architectural changes to the GHC with a Hoopl-based IR, integrated as of GHC 7.8.
A modular, reusable library for dataflow analysis and transformation. See publication.
A handbook for teaching writing to students in science or engineering.
For people who will practice the profession of software, programming-language skills are growing steadily more important. Twenty years ago most software practitioners got everything they needed from studying C or C++, maybe supplemented with a little Awk or Perl. Today's practitioners will use a much wider variety of programming languages, not just over the course of their careers, but even in their first jobs. Budding practitioners need a book that gives them something to do, so that they can develop skills. For a number of years I have been working on a book that aims to meet this need.

Join Us - new member orientation

What follows is a guide for new TuPL members to follow upon arrival to Tufts. This is written by grad students, and primarily for grad students. If you're not a new graduate student much of this information may still be pertinent to you, but you should get in touch with your primary TuPL contact to figure out which pieces are pertinent.

Linux home directory

Once you arrive on campus the first thing you should do is head to the EECS systems staff in JCC 310 & 312. They are available Monday through Friday, 8am to 5:30pm and will help you get setup with a username and password for the EECS network of linux servers, lab computers, and your home directory.

If you ever forget your EECS password but know your Tufts email / UTLN password, you can recover access to your EECS account by going here: https://www.eecs.tufts.edu/~accounts/reset.cgi.


You must login to GitHub first before we can add you to the TuPL github organization. To do so, contact our Internal GitHub organizer and request to be added to the TuPL github organization.

Once you have been granted access to TuPL on GitHub, please go to https://github.cs.tufts.edu/TuPL/tupl-website and make a pull request with your contact information added to the bottom of the Current Graduate Students HTML-div of this document. The same applies for new undergraduate students working on a project with any current TuPL member.


Although not specific to TuPL, the Computer Science League of Learning (CSLOL) is the de facto graduate student organization for computer science graduate students at Tufts. To learn more about access to housing in the Medford/Somerville area, which classes to take, and all other non-research related issues please contact a CSLOL executive or member. This can be done by setting up a CSLOL Slack account here with your Tufts email address, by contacting any of the current TuPL graduate students to figure out who the current CSLOL President is, or by contacting @TuftsCSLOL on facebook. As of this writing the website https://sites.tufts.edu/cslol/ is very out of date, but contacting the @TuftsCSLOL admins on facebook is the most likely way to get a response if you have trouble signing up for the CSLOL Slack.


The following Google calendars pertain to research and department events:

TuPL contact info

New Student Info

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